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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love or Hate? Caller ID is a curse!

I am a technology slave...I love my smartphone, I love my TomTom, I love my computer, I love my DVR....the list goes on and on and on...but I have a love-hate relationship with caller ID. I love it for home (most of the time...more on that down below) because I can tell when my favorite friend Rachel, from Card Services calls. I hate it for work it allows people to decide if they really want to pick up that it Chernobyl (true nickname)? Or is it our favorite person in the world calling in with kudos and praise for all we do for them. Oh, sorry, I was dreaming...THAT never happens. Okay, once in a while it does, but certainly not very often.

Caller ID is the scourge of the workplace when you have an incoming call center where everyone knows your name, kind of like Cheers...OH GOSH...its HER calling again...oh HELL NO am I picking that up....let someone else get it. Yes, if you have worked in a call center with KNOW you did this at least once, just admit it, its cathartic! We all have those callers who just breathe acid and can take your perfectly happy day and turn into something normally reserved for hell. You can just feel the vile dripping from their mouths as if falls on the phone receiver melting all the little electronics into little bumps of mush. It's truly amazing that they can get through life without getting punched once, twice, three times a lady....oh sorry, Lionel Richie crept in with a ballad, today I went out on a limb...I had them turn off the CID at work...I can imagine all the names i am getting called right now. That's okay, I have been called that before and I survived. I told them it would be like Russian Roulette without the bullets! I will update you on THAT progress later this week...wish me luck.

Caller ID at home...when did it become a rule that you don't pick up the phone if you can't see who's calling? Seriously! If my kids can't find a phone with the CID displayed, they won't pick it up. Ahh the days of playing russian roulette with the phone is over.

My next target...Rachel from card services....

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