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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day: How Much Is Mom Worth? - ABC News

If you were to put a salary on what you are worth as a mother, what would you think you should get paid? Would you underestimate your worth? Or would you include a performance bonus that showed what a great mom you were? Or would you penalize yourself based on the performance review from your kids? put together an insurance rating for moms. They say that a mom's worth is equal to $61,436/year.

Mother's Day: How Much Is Mom Worth? - ABC News

While I see the practical side of putting a dollar value on it, I don't think it is realistic.


It's not realistic because most moms have to be the Jill of All Trades, Master of the All to their kids and you cannot put a price on it.

All the things that moms do like giving birth (jeez, can you put a price tag on pushing a football out of our va-jay-jay? And then attempting it AGAIN...and again in some instances?), going without sleep for the first two years of life, sacrificing her perky boobs for the health of the child...there are the therapy sessions (disguised as shopping trips, concerts, road trips), bonding moments (movie nights with popcorn and ice cream) and the quiet times. How do you set a pay scale for those? You can't.

I love being a mom, but like most jobs, it can get rough at times. There is no book called "Mommying for Dummies", kids don't come with a manual and they sure as heck don't come with unlimited software upgrades.

Being a mom is hard work!

We try to do the best job we can; and at times, we fail. We have to remember, our grandmothers weren't perfect, our moms aren't perfect and we won't be perfect. It's those failures that we hope to learn from. As my kids get older, I realize that I have made mistakes and wish I could have a do-over. Maybe certain things would be different. But then, would the do-over have a "butterfly effect" and mess all the other good things in life that are there? We will never know.

We need to remember all the good things that we have done for our kids.

Like the time we were there for them when they crashed their bike and skinned their knees. We hugged them, cleaned the scrape and made the hurt go away. I wish all bad things could be washed away with a kiss and hug.

In the noise of life, it is sometimes hard to remember all of the good things that we do,because the good things happen so often and it is easier to focus on the fails. They stand out because they are unique.

So for this Mother's Day, take some time to remember the small things you do for your kids and count them as big. Because the little things that you take for granted, are going to be the big things that your kids remember the most.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms...YOU ROCK!

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